Draft appointment cum engagement letter for appointment of Secretarial Auditors defining scope of work under Secretarial Audit and other terms and ...
Draft bidding document by Company seeking proposal from Company Secretaries in Practice (PCS) /PCS firms for providing their services for the secre...
This letter is to be given by Practicing Company Secretary to act as Secretarial Auditor of the Company
Draft of Form MGT-8 issued by Company Secretary in Practice certifying the Annual Return of the Company
This Letter to be given to the Practicing Company Secretary to get his consent to act as Secretarial Auditor of the Company before his appointment ...
Draft Secretarial Audit Compliance Checklist for conducting of Secretarial Audit of Listed Company by Practicing Company Secretary
Draft Secretarial Audit Compliance Checklist for conducting of Secretarial Audit of Unlisted Company by Practicing Company Secretary