Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to take note the Annual Performance Evaluation of the Board as a whole and their committees and peer rev...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to approve the Board Evaluation Policy of the Company as recommended by Nomination and Remuneration Comm...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to approve the Nomination and Remuneration Policy of the Company as recommended by Nomination and Remune...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble for approval of Related Party Transaction(s) entered by the Company which are not in ordinary course of ...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to approve the Risk Management Policy of the Company as recommended by Audit Committee.
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to approve the Vigil Mechanism Policy of the Company as recommended by Audit Committee.
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to borrow money in excess of the paid up capital and free reserves of the Company subject further to the...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to constitute Audit Committee of the Company and to decide their terms of reference
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble for constitution of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to re-constitute audit committee of the Company in view of re-constitution of Board due to resignation /...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to re-constitute the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company in view of re-constitution of ...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to take note on the transaction(s) entered with related party since the date of Last Board Meeting and p...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to make temporary investment of surplus / idle funds of the Company in any of the Mutual Funds being man...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to make disinvestment in / sale of securities held in other Companies to a related party.
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to make inter-corporate loan, investment and give guarantee and provided security exceeding sixty percen...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to sell, lease otherwise dispose of the whole or substantially the whole of the undertaking of the Compa...
Draft Board Resolution along with Preamble to take note on the general disclosure of interest of directors in other entities and changes made therein