Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend appointment of Additional Director to the Board of Directors of the...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble for appointment of Chairman of the Committee
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend appointment of Chief Financial Officer as Whole Time Key Managerial...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend the appointment of Independent Director to the Board of Directors o...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend appointment of Whole Time Director / Managing Director as Whole Tim...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and approve the payment of variable pay for employees and KMPs & Directors of th...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to take note the performance evaluation of committee members.
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend the re-appointment of director(s) liable to retire by rotation to t...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend Annual Revision of remuneration of Whole Time Director / Managing D...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend Board Evaluation Policy to the Board of Directors of the Company
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend Code of Conduct for Independent Directors to the Board of Directors...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to consider and recommend Nomination and Remuneration Policy to the Board of Directors of the...
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to take note on the resignation of director from the directorship of the Company
Draft of NRC Committee Resolution along with preamble to review and approve the Annual Appraisal of Key Managerial Personnel of the Company.